City is a collective
It cannot be addressed by a singular point of view.

Plural works both with top down approach for Policy Research, Planning and Advocacy and with bottom up approach for Local Area Planning, Community Participation and People led Designs. People is not a generic term and we identify and customise interventions for the myriad of socio-cultural heterogeneity that is Indian cities. We promote contextual, citizen led approach of placemaking and city design and we continually strive to incorporate these values on a systemic platform.
Plural's emphasis is people centric policies, projects and research.
Our initiative includes masterplanning and design projects of private spaces and the public realm, research and data analysis to advise on urban policies and regulations with a focus on affordable housing and informal living spaces, innovative mapping methods for community engagement.
Designing collective spaces in collaboration with people.
Urban Design & Architecture
Urban Planning
Urban Conservation
Landscape and Placemaking
Policy and Data Analysis
What We Provide

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Our book, "6 Metros: Urban planning and Implementation Compared" is an analytical read on policies that shaped mega world cities like London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Delhi and Mumbai. It includes recommendations for emerging Indian cities to make them inclusive, resilient, people centric.